Rubber Decking from Rubadeck
Jun 24, 2015
Where can Rubadeck be used?
Jun 26, 2015
Rubber Decking from Rubadeck
Jun 24, 2015
Where can Rubadeck be used?
Jun 26, 2015Rubadeck decking is extremely affordable and the least expensive anti slip decking on the market today.
Our anti slip decking as a whole range of benefits and advantages and here are just some of them below…
The benefits of Rubadeck Anti Slip Decking
- Third party approved with a Slip Resistant rating
- Soft surface which reduces the risk of injury on impact
- Sound reducing Slip Resistant decking
- Comfortable foot friendly surface
- Range of colours available in anti slip decking
To find out more about our range of anti slip products visit our Home Page